Title : FLASHBACK: How All This Started - The ISIS 9/11 Psyop Surveillance State Profit Ploy
link : FLASHBACK: How All This Started - The ISIS 9/11 Psyop Surveillance State Profit Ploy
FLASHBACK: How All This Started - The ISIS 9/11 Psyop Surveillance State Profit Ploy
We Are Change | Aug 12, 2017 |
First Published March 2015
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to investigative journalist James Corbett of the Corbett Report about the most important information regarding ISIS. James gives deep analysis on how ISIS was actually created and the end game of this chess game that is unfolding.
To find out about James check out http://ift.tt/1Hc9bW7
Thus articles FLASHBACK: How All This Started - The ISIS 9/11 Psyop Surveillance State Profit Ploy
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You now read the article FLASHBACK: How All This Started - The ISIS 9/11 Psyop Surveillance State Profit Ploy with the link address https://diseaseknown.blogspot.com/2017/08/flashback-how-all-this-started-isis-911.html
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