Title : Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival)
link : Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival)
Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival)
It's music night again how's about a liquid lunch tomorrow or maybe notGraham
Baby, pass the aspirin, something’s gotta work
I know I did it to myself but man oh man it hurts
That second last Martini, the one that went down real smooth
Set me on the bender with nothing left to lose
Thus articles Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival)
that is all articles Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival) This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article Caro Emerald - Liquid Lunch (Live at Montreux Jazz Festival) with the link address https://diseaseknown.blogspot.com/2018/04/caro-emerald-liquid-lunch-live-at.html
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