Pictures of my walk, and a competition.

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Title : Pictures of my walk, and a competition.
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Pictures of my walk, and a competition.

Hello. It looks a lovely morning out there, hope it's going to be a good day for doing some jobs outdoors. I recently took my camera with me and took a few shots as I did my normal walk around the village. Such a lot of colour about at the moment, lifts the spirit. 
Blossoms on the trees in abundance.

I love the way these are spilling over the rockery wall. Don't ask me to name any flowers, I only know a few basic ones. Purple, my favourite colour.

There is a competition going on with two houses opposite each other. How many daffodils and tulips can you fit into the borders. The daffs are on their way out now. I can't decide which one wins.

Just inside someone garden, blossoms, and a monkey puzzle tree.

A stroll between the white and pink. The daffs in the wide verges are now gone.

This is in a quiet road where not many people go.

This end has open fields backing onto it.

A sprinkling of white climbing up inside the conifers.

Here is one of the many doggies I see on my walk. This little chap has been poorly, his owner was most concerned. After expensive vets visits and a lot of TLC thankfully he has pulled through. He is always pleased to see me and loves a doggy treat from my pocket. It's lovely to see him so cheerful.

The border pansies look nice.

This is another quiet road, I can walk in the middle of the road here. I prefer to do that whenever I can as some of the pavements are lumpy bumpy.

I'm not too keen on the way people block pave or gravel over their front garden, but I suppose if they leave at least a bit of space for planting that's better than none at all.

Same trees from the other side.

I've been watching this man do up his front garden, bit by bit. It was a big mess, bushes that needed cutting back, and all manner of rubble. He's done a good job. Railways sleepers for the edging, a new hedge planted at the front, a new gate, and new turf laid. Looks a treat now. As a quirky addition he has put an old Post Office letter box, now repainted black, by the gate. It does say it's private, so I hope he doesn't get people thinking it's a regular box and put their letters into it.

There's a few piccies of my regular village walk, now let's see some of yours. I am asking the International Walking Group members to send in one photograph of where you walk the most often. In your neighbourhood or surrounding area. Send it to my email address, it's on the sidebar. You have a month to do this, I will publish them on the 1st of June, the next check in date. Give us a flavour of what you see when you walk. Be careful where you take the photo, steer clear of anything which will identify and pinpoint the exact location. I don't want names of places, or street names. Be careful not to snap names and numbers of houses. Those that send a photo will be put into a prize draw, I will make up a goody bag for the winner. Happy snapping.

Thanks for popping in, I'm off outside now. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Thus articles Pictures of my walk, and a competition.

that is all articles Pictures of my walk, and a competition. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.

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