Title : It's all very crafty here
link : It's all very crafty here
It's all very crafty here
I've left this a bit late, hope I don't fall asleep on the keyboard. A bit more progress on the weaving. these are random colours, I like contrast. I was struggling to get a neat edge on the dark red against the pink and blue. I thought the usual way would be to start at the bottom and work up as I did before but it looked messy. I unpicked it and started with a straight across line at the top, and worked my way down to the bottom. That looked better as it was a lot easier to join the two colours. I did the same with the pink to join it to the yellow.
A friend has given me a bag of old buttons, I suppose you would call them vintage. I'm not sure what I will do with them, something will come to mind eventually.The bin bags under my table are full of fabric. I shall deliver them to the Scrapstore tomorrow. I think they will be chuffed. I have been told there will be some more fabric to come when the family have been able to sort through some more of the house. The old lady who lived there had collected tons of fabric. Although she was into crafts, she was never going to use all of it.
That's all. Time for bed. Toodle pip. ilona
Thus articles It's all very crafty here
that is all articles It's all very crafty here This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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